Zaharia Tudorel
Zaharia Tudorel
2 anunturi active
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11 Plumbuita, 023464, Bucuresti, Sector 2, Bucureşti, Romania
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Despre vanzator
Zaharia Tudorel is a student author of medical books from Bucharest, Romania He says that in the history of Romanian national education there is no author of publications with the status of student in this field. Also, that in the field of medical imaging, in terms of literature for technologists, there are no publications that help the student, he has created a passion in developing specialized works, having to his credit over 20 books published in his mother tongue, Romanian.

It is important to note that Mr. T Zaharia makes these books himself at home, he is an independent author and says that he does not need the publishing house, this being a double satisfaction. As for sales, he managed in a period of 6 months to sell over 160 copies of a single book, which he says is an extraordinary thing.

This passion also had negative consequences for Mr. T Zaharia, being on the verge of being expelled from school on the grounds that he would not be able to publish such materials, being subjected to discriminatory actions by the school management, socio-human phenomena frequently encountered in former communist countries .

But Mr. T. Zaharia has successfully overcome these attempts and says that he will perfect his passion and will offer quality materials to the public.

Anunturile lui Zaharia Tudorel

Sector 2
Radiologie Rx pozitionari
Denumire carte : Incidențe și pozitionări în radiologie -Lucrări practice Anul apariției : 2023 Nr. de pagini: 503 Tip copertă: softcover Editură : autor independent Format: A4 Autor: Zaharia Tudorel ISBN : 978********8855-8 Categorie: medicină radiologie Descriere : Lucrarea Incidențe și pozitionări în radiologie este destinată elevilor de școlii postliceal...
200,00 lei
2 saptamani in urma Diverse Nou Vanzare 4 persoane au vizualizat
200,00 lei
200,00 lei
Sector 2
Carte CT pentru asistenti medicali produs unicat national
Buna , sunt proaspăt asistent medical de radiologie autor independent a peste 20 cărți din domeniul imagisticii medicale ,vă propun spre achiziție ultima mea lucrare pentru cei interesați de tomografia computerizată . Vă asigur că este singura carte publicată în limba română concentrată pe principiile CTA destinată operatorilor . Cartea se prezintă în format...
80,00 lei
3 saptamani in urma Carti - Reviste Nou Vanzare 31 persoane au vizualizat
80,00 lei
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